Diane Roman-Goldsberry grew up in southern Texas, completed a BA in
Microbiology at the University of Texas in Austin, and worked as a Research
Scientist for seven years. In 2000 she moved to Dornach to study painting at the
Rudolf Steiner Painting School with Caroline Chanter. With an ever-growing
interest in the work of Gerard Wagner, she completed Individual Studies with
Elisabeth Wagner and Sonja Vandroogenbroeck with a focus on pedagogical
painting. She set up exhibitions of Wagner’s work in Poland and taught there
during an eight-year period. In 2011 she returned to the US where she continues
to teach adults and children. In 2012 she set up the non-profit, the Raphael
Cultural and Artistic Research Associaton, Inc. (RCARA) to support painting
education and promote understanding of Rudolf Steiner’s painIng impulse and
the work of Gerard Wagner. She has developed painting courses for adults and
courses for teaching children; these are available in e-format. Diane recently
published her first painting manual, Painting in Living Color for Grade 1, with
plans for publishing more manuals. The work of RCARA includes issuing a
quarterly newsletter, The Renewal of the Art of Painting, which focuses on the
painted works of Gerard Wagner and the activities of the painting schools,
teachers, and students associated with his work. The newsletter is sent out during
each of the four major festivals at no charge and is available upon request.
Contact Diane Roman-Goldsberry at ewschool2012@gmail.com