Swaasthyakala Niketan – India

Swaasthyakala Niketan, an art therapy school in Bangalore, India, is a branch of the Rudolf Steiner Painting School in Dornach. It is a member of iARTe (International Association of Anthroposophic Art Therapies Education) and is recognised by the Medical Section of the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum, Dornach Switzerland. 

A 4-year further training course in anthroposophic art therapy began at Swaasthyakala Niketan in 2014. Seven students successfully graduated and are working in Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai. Contact addresses can be obtained through the Rudolf Steiner Paining School.

The initiators and chief carriers of the art therapy training are Dr. Wahida Shaikh Murthy and Caroline Chanter. The training consists of painting with plant-based pigments, clay modeling and black and white drawing. Medical lectures are given throughout the training.


The second training course that should have begun in August 2020 had to be postponed because of the pandemic. For information about the next training please contact Dr. Wahida Moosa Shaikh Murthy.

Further training in painting

A training in anthroposophic painting began in Mumbai in 2017. The focus is on the training sketches for a new art of painting given by Rudolf Steiner. These sketches give a foundation for artistic work in pedagogical and social-therapeutic areas. For further information contact Jayashree Rao.

Painting Classes with Jyoti Pagdi
Colour and the Human Being by Wahida Shaikh Murthy
Caroline Chanter and Dr.Wahida Shaikh