

Caroline Chanter

British b.1950
Dip. Fine Arts, Leeds Polytechnic UK
Dip. Art Therapy, Margarethe Hauschka School of Artistic Therapy DE
Dip. Painting School at the Goetheanum CH

Subjects: Painting/ Art Therapy/ Art History
Languages: English/ German


Sandra Lo Noce Wagner

Swiss b. 1970
Artistic activity over many years: participation in various
painting courses using different painting techniques; picture
exhibitions/ commissions.
Dip. Rudolf Steiner Painting School

Subjects: Painting
Languages: German/Swiss German/English

Visiting Teacher


Svenja Rudic

German b.1975
Dip. Painting School at the Goetheanum CH
Dip. Art Therapy, Haus Morgenstern Unterlengenhardt

Subjects: Painting /Art Therapy
German/ English/Spanish

Plant Colour Production


Robert Wroblewski

Polish b.1971
Dip. Painting School at the Goetheanum CH
Further Training in Plant Colour Production

Subjects: Painting/ Plant Colour Production
Languages: Polish/ German/ Spanish


+41 (0) 775 20 02 61

Consultants in the areas of pedagogy and curative education.

Karin Joos

German b.1952
Dip. Painting School at the Goetheanum CH
Further training in Curative Education (Bodensee DE)
and Art Therapy (Unterlengenhardt DE)

Subjects: Painting/ Curative Education/ Pedagogy
Languages: German/ Spanish/ English


+49 – 152 55 607 113

Gwenola Hemlin

French Canadian b.1952
Dip. Art Teaching, UQAM (Montréal,Québec)
Dip. Kindergarten Seminar Stuttgart DE
Dip. Painting School at the Goetheanum CH

Subjects: Painting/Pedagogy
Languages: French/ German

+41 (0) 32 422 5723