Full and Part-Time Training


Applying techniques learned from the training.

The painting school is open to anyone wishing to take part in painting classes for a shorter or longer period. This can take the form of a short meeting with a method of working that can give a burst of inspiration for further artistic work, or it can become a painting training lasting between one and four years.

The school year is divided into three terms of about ten weeks. Teaching takes place in the mornings Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 12noon.

For Saturday morning classes , please contact

Robert Wroblewski
+41 (0) 775 20 02 61


Study Possibilities

Full-time attendance is five mornings a week. Part-time can be one, two or more mornings a week; or be taken in blocks for one week or longer in each term.

A longer period of study can also be taken in modules by visiting students from abroad. Further training is a popular mode; painters and art therapists or any interested person can attend for specific periods: for a few weeks, for a term, or longer. If you are interested do get in touch; we offer various possibilities designed to meet individual needs and situations.

The studio is open in the afternoons and most weekends for individual practice and research.

The many cultural events at the Goetheanum make Dornach an inwardly enriching place for students studying in the area.



The degree of interest and involvement of each individual student determines the length of study needed to reach a personal goal or qualification. Certificates are given as confirmation of study periods. A diploma is given after completion of a longer period of study.